by Nan DeGrove

Lunar full moon eclipse in Aquarius, August 7th, 2017
Solar new moon total eclipse in Leo August 21st, 2017

Eclipses have special meaning in astrology. They correspond with major shifts, both in consciousness and in the affairs of daily life. Always occurring in pairs, solar and lunar, they reflect the theme of equilibrium between the lunar, emotional, subconscious realm that can either destroy or nourish the aspirations of the solar drive for expression and significance. The lunar eclipse reveals where we might be trapped in the past, but also can bring gifts from the past, a memory, a recovery of something lost, a visitor, living or angelic, from our history. The time around eclipses is charged with magic. If we are unconscious of the this, the magic can erupt and disturb. That is why this time calls for creative effort, working with images. visions, dreams, guides. Aquarius speaks to the human dilemma of being a vessel of primal instincts as well as transcendent yearnings—both dark and light. Aquarian values of compassion and social justice are much in the forefront now, as are the forces that work against these virtues.

Solar Eclipse: The Black Sun.

The Black Sun in alchemy is a stage of dissolution that precedes renewal. The idea is expressed in many traditions—the Void, Descent to the Under-world, Dark Night of the Soul, Dante’s Inferno. The Leo solar eclipse relates to this realm: a literal black Sun. Since Leo works with its opposite, Aquarius, we are witness to collective wounding and healing that are transpersonal, global, as well as personal. Again, we are in the zone of magic—the un-likely hero, the small act that changes a life, the angelic stranger, the butterfly’s wing that raises a storm. Magic can be dark or light.

America in the Eclipse Path

The solar eclipse cuts a stunning path across the country, a metaphor sure-ly, for the peril of the nation. with endless foreign wars, environmental crisis, assault on democratic institutions and a madman in charge. who has awakened sleeping demons in the American psyche as no leader has done in our memory. The eclipses are already in force, and have effects well before and after the actual dates. The president has his ascendant and Mars, (war,aggression,ego) at the degree of the eclipse (29 Leo).This is al-so the degree of the alpha star in Leo, “the heart of the Lion”, Regulus, which is said to give enormous power, but if the power is misused, Nemesis brings downfall. In Greek tragedy Nemesis was a goddess of revenge who punished hubris. Trump was born on the day of a lunar eclipse, which is another puzzle piece in this surreal drama that is unfolding. This last degree of Leo can be a channel for great power, positive of negative, but if it is seized by the ego downfall follows. Mars is close to the Sun throughout the rest of August and will be closely conjunct retrograde Mercury at the end of August and early September. Mercury will turn direct at the eclipse degree on September 5th. All of this adds fuel to the volatile atmosphere of the eclipse. A time for caution, humility, kindness, carefulness in word and deed. No playing with fire. We are in for a wild ride.

These eclipses have most influence for Leo and Aquarius, and for those who have other planets in these signs, but they have significance for all. Eclipses have collective influence; indeed, the solar eclipse of August 21st will have millions of Americans away from their screens, outdoors, gazing at the sky. Both positive and negative possibilities exist, but eclipses are omens of major change. We make meaning through the experience; there is no preordained outcome. Events of this time will continue to play out well in-to next year. Another pair of eclipses in Leo-Aquarius will occur next February.

The Sacred Heart

Leo is the sign of the heart, and its alpha star, Regulus, is the heart of the lion. The solar eclipses calls to the heart. The essential quest of Leo is love, the eternal longing of the heart. The heart is seen as the seat of the soul in many spiritual traditions. In alchemy the stage of opening the heart is called the rubedo and the color is red. The heart in this stage becomes a vessel of love. This is the stage that leads to gold—the heart of gold. The sacred heart tradition in Christianity transcends theology and expresses themes of universal compassion, hope and divine love.

Stained glass, Germany, 18th century